Rogue Survivor: Fuck Yes

| Wednesday

Rogue Survivor caught my attention by pure chance.  I love roguelikes, anyone who knows me will testify to that fact.  There’s just something satisfying about wandering around in these giant arenas, plundering loot, and the waves of death you’ll be facing down.  Rogue Survivor plays off the thought of the ever popular zombie apocalypse and does it magnificently. 

The survivor AI is probably the crowning feature of Rogue Survivor, and it shines at all times as you go through the paces of finding shelter and other things.  Survivors are smart, barricading themselves inside buildings and offering up supplies in exchange for other materials.

Rogue Survivor is deliciously done though, extremely difficult, and is one of the rare roguelikes that doesn’t make you feel like you’ve seen it all before.  Screenshots won’t do the game much credit, but believe me when I say this is the sort of game you need to give a shot at least once. 

Wonderfully done, Roguedjack deserves a lot more support and fame than he’s getting.  So spread the word, plunder supplies, try to live through the night, and pray zombies don’t burst through your barricades in the night.